Sunday 27 November 2011

National Universal Health Care - Could it Work in the USA?

!±8± National Universal Health Care - Could it Work in the USA?

The United States is the only nation in the industrialized world without a universal health care system. The oldest universal health care system is in Germany, which had its inception in 1883 under Chancellor Otto von Bismarck.

Let's lay an important ground rule before we begin. Traditional insurance policies cover unexpected but predictable occurrences. For example, an auto policy covers an unexpected collision. But that policy does not cover maintenance costs which are a normal part of owning a vehicle. Health insurance has become maintenance insurance over the years, paying for everything from regular checkups and tooth cleaning to heart transplants. And, with some group insurance copays at to , the concept of deductibles is becoming archaic.

So, in considering a single-payer cradle-to-grave government healthcare system, the old concepts of insurance and risk must be put aside. Single-payer healthcare is NOT INSURANCE in the strictest sense. It is a massive Social Security-type program, into which tax revenues flow and from which health care payments flow out to health care providers.

This article does not advocate a single-payer government-run healthcare system. But it does look at what a single-payer system might look like, and reasons why it will not work.

In December 2008 The McKinsey Global Institute issued an exhaustive 122-page report on health care costs in America, entitled "Accounting for the costs of US healthcare: A new look at why Americans spend more." The best estimate of American healthcare costs is about .1 trillion annually.

Here is a summary list of its findings:

1. Administration costs in the US are much higher than in most countries around the world. This partly due to the privatization of some health care, resulting in profits for shareholders.
2. Pharmaceutical costs: Direct-To-Consumer Advertising encourages use of newer, more expensive drugs, a practice only allowed in the USA. Also, pharmaceutical lobbyists were successful in getting Congress to ban collective bargaining for Medicare Part D, resulting in the highest drug prices in the world. Also, the patent system for new drugs allows drug manufacturers to patent and charge more for non-novel medications.
3. The absence of a universal system that prevents risk-pooling, and the selective underwriting done by insurers. This leaves millions uninsured, and the uninsured avoid treatment until problems are more critical and more expensive.
4. Huge fees of specialist physicians for their procedural skills, rather than primary care that emphasizes preventive health care, early diagnosis and disease management.
5. Defensive medicine: Excess costs and duplication of health procedures in order to protect medical providers from malpractice lawsuits. Lawsuits and jury awards themselves don't cause a large amount of monetary damage, but the tort system creates a culture in which physicians are paranoid and make health care decisions with lawsuits in mind, rather than patient interests first.
6. ICU Care: The costs of care at the end of life are wildly inflated, many times eclipsing the health care costs incurred in an entire lifetime. This is partly due to heroic efforts of lifesaving, pain management, and poor records.
7. Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems would be of great benefit in managing living wills, advanced care directives and previous treatment records. Without EMRs, doctors regularly order redundant tests and procedures because medical information management is so inefficient.

The McKinsey report doesn't recommend a universal healthcare single-payer system. It simply tries to provide accurate information to those who will be making policy regarding healthcare in the USA.

Here is what a universal healthcare system might look like. This takes the best characteristics from healthcare systems around the world.

1. Funding through individual taxation for wage earners and self employed persons. Low income persons subsidized. Should tax be based upon age? Should the tax be calculated as a percentage of income, like in the IRS Tax Tables and FICA payments?

2. Medicare, Medicaid, the VA healthcare system and all other Federal healthcare systems would be rolled into the universal system. That would include the healthcare benefits for Federal workers and members of Congress.

3. No individual underwriting. All living persons of US citizenship are covered. Non-citizens with taxable earnings could be taxed and covered.

4. No deductibles. Copay for any doctor visit of -.

5. Prevention-based health care at the General Practitioner level. Compensation based upon health of the patients. Healthier patients, doctor makes more money.

6. Medical school 100% paid by government in exchange for 10 years service as a Federal employee. This would include additional training in medical specialties. Compensation levels could be set lower since there would be no school debt.

7. FedGov sets minimum standards for care. Insured persons are free to choose their own doctors. Patients can choose specialists without first seeing Primary Care Physician.

8. No insurance company precertifications necessary.

9. System includes mental health, nursing home and hospice care.

10. FedGov sets prices for pharmaceuticals, medical procedures and medical supplies. FedGov sets wages for all medical employees, including administrators, nurses, med techs and doctors.

11. Tort reform. If health care was universal from cradle to grave, torts would be limited since the patient would automatically be eligible for additional medical care required by malpractice, an unintended consequence of treatment or a medical complication. Doctors would still be liable for negligence, but awards would not need to compensate the individual plaintiff/patient for anticipated medical care into the future.

12. Electronic Medical Records, a database of all medical records for each patient, accessible by all medical providers. Would eliminate all duplication. Living wills and advance care directives would be part of every patient file. This has the potential to drastically reduce end-of life invasive care and duplication of procedures.

13. Individual health insurance policies would still be available for those that wanted a higher level of care, and would be excess insurance, like a Personal Umbrella policy.

14. Private medical providers, including doctors and hospitals, would still exist, offering custom care for those willing to pay extra for it.

I know this is a cursory look at universal healthcare. I know I've left out important features and benefits. But I'm trying to wrap my mind...and yours...around a concept that I fear is in our immediate future.

The big insurance companies have completely screwed up the health insurance marketplace in the United States. So, if they get left at the dock when this new ship sails, I won't shed any tears. They get what they deserve.

Now, here is why I don't think that the system outlined above will work.

1. The Federal Government is broke. They are already running trillion dollar annual deficits. In order to stave off governmental collapse, the Federal Reserve is printing paper money as fast as it can. Eventually, inflation will sink the ship of state. To absorb the healthcare system into the Federal Government which represents about one-seventh of the economy, is a bridge too far.

2. Funding this new healthcare system would require increasing taxes significantly. Insurance premiums would be turned into tax payments. There is presently an IRS business deduction for insurance premiums for corporations. The business lobbyists won't want to give up this deduction and will fight it.

3. Pharmaceutical companies lobby Congress. They will fight any system that controls drug prices and threatens their profits.

4. Trial Lawyers have a powerful lobby in Congress. They will fight medical malpractice tort reform.

5. Medical providers, the American Medical Association and other medicine-related groups have powerful Congressional lobbyists. They will fight reforms, just like they do now.

6. Insurance companies will be forced out of business if the Federal Government takes over the healthcare system. Insurance companies hold trillions of dollars in US bonds and other municipal securities. They will threaten Congress with the collapse of the bond market if Congress passed a new system that leaves them out. All the insurance companies would have to do to crash the bond market and cause the collapse of the Federal Government is to sell off a small percentage of their bond holdings all at once.

In conclusion, I recommend looking at any Obama Administration proposal for universal healthcare in light of the competing groups in the medical field. Each group must be bought off for their cooperation, and in turn each one will buy off Congress to get what they want. Some things never change.

The single payer healthcare system that emerges from Capitol Hill, the system that will affect the healthcare of each American, should adopt as its logo the duckbilled platypus.

That's the animal that looks like it was designed by a committee.

National Universal Health Care - Could it Work in the USA?

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Friday 28 October 2011

InSinkErator CNTR333 Contractor 333 3/4 HP Garbage Disposer

!±8± InSinkErator CNTR333 Contractor 333 3/4 HP Garbage Disposer

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Monday 24 October 2011

Michigan Divorce Handbook

!±8± Michigan Divorce Handbook


As Most people are of aware, Michigan is a no-fault state. In fact, Michigan has been a no-fault jurisdiction since 1973. Although there are arguments to ending this status of a no-fault jurisdiction, as can be recently attested to by legislation in the Michigan House and Senate, most divorce attorneys would argue that our system has been an effective system. Some have argued that the no-fault status has attributed to the rise in the number of divorces since the 1960's. Most attorneys would argue that changing demographic and socioeconomic factors are responsible for the increase in divorces. Although the no-fault status generally means a 50/50 split in assets, there are certain factors such as fault that can be used in making a breakdown of marital assets. For instance, if it is found that one of the spouses had affairs or was extremely abusive, judges are now reluctant to award more property to the not-at-fault party. For instance, if there are assets of about 0,000, a judge, depending on the circumstances, would be likely to award anywhere from 55 - 60 % of those assets. The other factors to be looked at also involve the employability of one's spouse.


Michigan is a no fault divorce state like 40 plus other jurisdictions. However fault can be a determining factor in how the property is divided up, along with how much alimony and child support will be paid. For example, if one of the spouses was having an affair or was abusive, that factor could be used by the judge in making a determination as to how marital property was divided or how much alimony was paid. There has to be a breakdown in the marital relationship to the extent that the objects of matrimony have been destroyed and there appears no reasonable likelihood that the marriage can be preserved. The residency requirements in Michigan are 180 days in the County 10 days prior to filing the action for divorce.


Divorce is a difficult time and there a significant changes that take place. For instance, you lose contact with mutual friends, and you no longer are involved with the same social groups or organizations. In fact, most persons who go through a divorce feel it is incumbent upon themselves to make a drastic change. This is not recommended. For one to be able to get through such a difficult period it is important that gradual changes are made. A complete break off of mutual friends may be recommended because such contact with those persons may remind one of the difficulties experienced throughout that marriage. It is important for divorced parents not to make too many drastic changes, especially for the sake of their children.


Many children of divorced parents are likely to react with anger and to feel a guilt complex. For example, many children will feel that they have been the cause of the divorce and as a result may feel bitterness with both parents. It is your job as a parent to indicate to your child or children that they were not responsible for the breakup of the relationship and it is especially important in the beginning of the separation that parents continue to emphasize this with their children.

Keep you children involved in many of the activities they were involved with prior to the breakup of the marriage. It is especially important to maintain continuity for the children so as to minimize the difficulty in the transition for the children.

Do not put your child or children in a position where they feel they must choose between one parent or the other. It is important as a parent that you are as level headed as possible and not to have your child placed in an uncomfortable position of determining who they favor as a parent. Children love both parents equally and do not have the mental or emotional capacity to deal with a situation such as this. This can be very hurtful and devastating to the child, not only in the short term but possibly can have long term psychological impact for the rest of their lives. Do not discuss the reasons for the shortcomings in the marriage. Although you may want to be an open parent with the children, it is important that this openness be only dealt with when the children are old enough and sophisticated enough to understand the issues. It is further recommended that you should talk about the good things that have come out of the marriage if one of your children asks you questions regarding it. By doing so you are not only a positive role model, you are also helping to nurture a positive attitude with the child or children. By constantly being negative or displaying bad feelings towards the ex spouse, or discussing things that went wrong, you are helping to nurture a very angry child who feels they must have a preference of one parent over the other. By taking a negative attitude you are hurting the child's attitude and you could also help harbor even more bitterness then is necessary. The bottom line here is that you and your spouse are getting a divorce your children are not divorcing either one of you. So do not get your children involved in your bitter feelings about your spouse.

Your child should not be used as a pawn for disagreements that continue to exist between you and your ex- spouse. One of the most important issues confronting a parent after divorce is how they act or discuss the ex-spouse. Never use your child to deliver angry or hostile messages between you and your ex-spouse. Never use your child or children to deliver personal information about child support payments to your ex- spouse. Do not make comparison put-downs to your child regarding the ex-spouse.

It is important to remind you children that your friendships or relationships are not being used as a replacement to their parent. Tell the children they remain first and foremost in the minds of their parents. Emphasize to the child that they are not under any pressure to accept or reject your relationship.

The children should be given the maximum amount of visitation with the non-custodial parent. Just because the marriage failed does not mean your child or children is not entitled to a meaningful relationship with your ex-spouse. If anything, something good will usually come out of allowing the maximum amount of visitation. Unless there is a drug or alcohol problem or emotional and physical abuse during visitation, financial reason is not one reason to withhold visitation. For instance, if one spouse is behind in the child support payments it is not a reason to deny visitation. The parent who has the gripe with the system should petition the Friend of the Court for payments and to make the necessary arrangements to make themselves whole. It is clearly important that the child/ren not be used as pawns.

The child or children should be able to communicate freely with either parent and realize that such conversations will be kept private. Furthermore, that parent should not use those conversations to influence their behavior towards one parent or the other.

The parent should always assure their child that they will do their very best under the most difficult circumstance to make sure that child receives the best possible opportunities as if the parent were still married to the other spouse. For instance, as a parent, do not use newly found obligations with a new spouse as an excuse to deny your child/ren help. Some parents may feel that a new marriage precludes them from helping out their child/ren. That is a very poor excuse. If you deny your child opportunities because of your marriage, perhaps you should be denying yourself the full commitment and responsibility of that marriage. Although this may be a fascist point of view, your first and foremost responsibility is to an innocent child that you have brought into this world.


Custody is truly the most litigious area in the divorce arena. Unfortunately in many situations the children are used as pawns to try to get the other spouse angry. The factors to be looked at in determining custody of the children involve the best interests of the child. If the court feels that neither spouse is acting in the best interest of the child, the court in some situations have appointed guardians to supervise and to raise that child. There are several basic issues in the area of custody. One involves the physical or residential custody, I.e. which parent will the child end up living with. There is also joint legal custody. Both parents can have joint legal custody even if one child resides exclusively with the other parent. With joint legal custody both parents make the decisions on behalf of the children concerning education, health, activities, religion, and general welfare. There are some situations that involve joint physical custody or often referred to as shared parenting. This can occur when one child resides with both parents equally and for a significant period of time. However, such a situation is generally not feasible especially when that child is of school age because most courts and psychologist deem it as necessary to create a stable learning environment.
In making custody decisions courts frown upon any parent who has abused alcohol or drugs. In such a situation, the parent who has abused drugs or alcohol will hardly be likely to get any custody. They will be fortunate to get limited visitation. If such abuse of drugs and alcohol is continuous, the court will order supervised visitation and very rarely grant an over night stay. Courts, with all things being equal, normally award custody to the mother; however in recent years with a growing number of women who have been successful in the professional ranks, such a trend is becoming less and less likely.


Before one goes on with the divorce there are tax considerations that must be very carefully reviewed. For example, if both spouses are co-owners in a business, it may be necessary to get a legal separation and discuss a structured settlement plan over a period of several years in order to allow one spouse the opportunity to purchase the other spouses interest in a business. If such a plan is not implemented in some businesses both spouses may be hit with a massive tax bill if such a sale is not structured properly. It is strongly suggested especially for high net worth couples and individuals to consult a tax professional before doing a split. Though this is not of primary importance with couples as they come to a decision to split, it will be of significant importance on the judgment day of reckoning. Many folks who are considering divorce do so for many reasons, most importantly the fact that they have drifted apart and they cannot get along. However, it is very important that persons who are contemplating such a decision be aware of the tax consequences of their decisions, this is especially important for couples who have lived in the same house for over 10 years. The new legislation for the home sale capital gains tax exemption softens the blow of a house sale because of a tax exempt status of up to 0,000 per couple and 0,000 per single seller but those persons who have a much more expensive house have to be very careful in their divorce plans.


The economic impact of divorce and separation can be brutal. In many situations it can be downright devastating. One of the factors that causes the economic devastation involves setting up two separate households and making an additional payment. I've often advises clients that if their marriage is not at a total breakdown a separation period along with some marital counseling can do wonders. When one comes to a decision of a divorce the moving spouse looks at all the worst qualities of the other spouse. Unfortunately that spouse may not realize that the presently "difficult" situation can end up being very horrible. For instance, if a woman who have been working on a limited basis seeks to get a divorce without any financial support mechanism, it can be truly devastating economically, especially if the spouse whom she is seeking support from is not working steadily or is involved in a business that has peak and non-peak seasons. My suggestion for those persons who are cordial in planning the divorce is that they come to a compromise and allow for a transition period to take place before finally implementing the divorce plan. A perfect example involves selling a house. Whenever you are negotiating you obviously want to do so from a position of strength. You do not want to sell a house while going through a divorce or foreclosure. Therefore, I have advised persons and couples who are considering a separation or divorce to try as best as they can to get their financial house in order and to do as much dividing as possible before ultimately getting a divorce. For example, when a client is adamant about getting a divorce I tell them that they'll be making sacrifices for a while but that the first 2 years determine whether they make it or whether they sink financially. I advise clients, wherever possible to share an apartment or house with a friend so if they have children they are in a position to make child support payments without going under. I also tell them that the ability to compromise with your spouse can save thousands perhaps tens of thousands of dollars that could take place in a nasty divorce conflict.

Social Security

Even if it is not mentioned in a divorce settlement, a divorced spouse can get benefits on a former spouse's social security record if the marriage lasted at least 10 years. The divorced spouse has to be 62 or older and unmarried. A divorced spouse can start collecting benefits between the age of 50 to 60 if they are disabled.

Survivor benefits

Unmarried children under the age of 18 are entitled to survivor benefits if the former spouse passes away.


This is an area that is very important especially to the spouses who are not regularly paying mortgage payments or credit card bills. It is important that you stay current on bills because the action of one spouse can have a devastating impact on the other spouse, especially if the mortgage is not being paid on time or the credit cards are not being kept up. This is especially true if you are jointly named on a credit card or a home mortgage. It is important that you get a copy of the credit report to determine what your credit rating is. Most importantly you must keep up with payments and be aware of all the outstanding obligations that exist between you and your spouse.

Private and public retirement programs

It is important, especially for spouses who have been married for at least 10 years, to get an understanding of how much money is in the other spouses retirement programs. In some situations the worth of each spouses retirement program ends up canceling the others worth in a division of assets during the pendency of a divorce. However, this is an area that is of growing importance, especially to a stay at home spouse or a spouse who only works on a part-time basis. The five-year program is generally mentioned because of the fact that most private and public pension programs vest after that period of time. It would be prudent to get a tax professional to determine the worth of the pension program for present and future value.


Alimony involves money one spouse pays the other for support and maintenance. There are several types of alimony. One involves lumps of alimony, which is used to help put the other spouse on equal footing with the paying spouse. There is also permanent alimony, which is paid until the death of the payer. There is also temporary and rehabilitative alimony. Temporary alimony usually last for several years and is usually done for non-working spouses to allow them the opportunity to maintain their standard of living or to get job training skills. The factors taken in determining the amount of alimony involve several factors. The most important factor involves the duration of the marriage, the income and net worth of both parties, the contribution of one spouse as a homemaker, and most recently courts have begun to award alimony based on the contributions of one spouse in education and furtherance of the career of the other spouse.


Each county has access to a friend of the court in the state of Michigan. Some counties in Northern Michigan may be combined for a Friend of the Court operation however, any county generally speaking that has more than 60,000 persons has a Friend of the Court operation. The Friend of the Court has psychologists and referees who review motions. Most of this work is for post divorce situations. A husband who has to pay child support may use that court to contest the amount that they are paying and ultimately have a review, a parent may use that office also to ask for an increase in support or a reduction in visitation, reviews may also be ordered through the Friend of the Court to make revisions in the amount of visitation a parent may have. Unfortunately, the office has been used too often by bitter parents to get back at an ex-spouse.
Friend of the court offers recommendations to motions and they may also offer mediation as a way of settling disagreements over custody or visitation of children.


1. The Plaintiff begins by filing a Complaint or Petition for Divorce on the Defendant. This asks the Court to grant a divorce, orders child support or spousal support, establish a paternity case, start an out-of-state collection effort, and/or grant an order for custody of a child.

2. The Defendant must be given a copy of the summons and Complaint.

3. When the Defendant receives that papers (s)he is allowed time to answer the claims made, usually 21 days or (s)he may lose the right to be heard by the judge and result in an order granting the Plaintiff's requests.

4. The judge must find that there has been a breakdown in the marriage to the point that the parties cannot live together as husband and wife in order to grant a divorce. The judge will then enter a Judgment of Divorce that will bring the marriage to an end. Michigan is a no-fault divorce state so a divorce can be granted even if one of the parties does not want a divorce. The judgment of divorce contains the decisions of the Court which deal with custody, visitation, support, property and other related issues. From the date of filing of a Complaint for Divorce without minor children the waiting period is a minimum of 60 days. For divorce cases with minor children the waiting period is a minimum of six months. After the waiting period the judge may grant a divorce.


You may need a temporary restraining order to prevent the other spouse from transferring or disposing assets and also awarding yourself temporary custody of children and a certain amount of child support. If there has been abuse of you or your children you will have to file a petition for personal protection order or PPO. This will be on the state police registry of a state wide computer system, which will effectuate the order immediately. If the spouse violates the PPO they could receive up to 90 days in jail. Of course, a show cause hearing must be held to determine if that person has violated such an order.


It would be wise to wait at least a year after your divorce to deal with your grief before getting involved in another relationship. Now you have an opportunity to create the life you would like for yourself.

There is nothing you can do to change the past but everything you can do to make a better future.

Michigan Divorce Handbook

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Monday 17 October 2011

InSinkErator Evolution Pro Excel 1 HP Garbage Disposer, Stainless Steel

!±8± InSinkErator Evolution Pro Excel 1 HP Garbage Disposer, Stainless Steel

Rate : | Price : $356.95 | Post Date : Oct 17, 2011 08:52:15
Usually ships in 24 hours

IN-SINK-ERATOR PRO-XL Evolution Excel Garbage DisposerIN-SINK-ERATOR PRO-XL Evolution Excel Garbage Disposer Features:; Continuous Feed For Wall Switch On/Off Type Control; Features MultiGrind Plus Design. The 3 grind stages let you quickly grind virtually any food waste; Features SoundSeal Plus Technology Makings the Evolution Excel at least 60 percent quieter than standard disposers; Jam-Sensor Circuit Automatically increases torque to break through jams; 40-Ounce Stainless Steel Grind Chamber and Grind Component Handles more volume than standard disposers; 1.0 Horsepower Dura-Drive Induction Motor Gives you the most horsepower of any food waste disposer

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Wednesday 12 October 2011

InSinkErator Evolution Pro Compact 3/4 HP Garbage Disposer

!±8± InSinkErator Evolution Pro Compact 3/4 HP Garbage Disposer

Brand : InSinkErator | Rate : | Price : $215.00
Post Date : Oct 12, 2011 06:57:17 | Usually ships in 24 hours

Perfect for households with restricted cabinet space, the Evolution Compact® delivers the new standard in sound and grind performance in a compact size. Our powerful food waste disposers are the right choice when replacing an existing unit or designing a brand-new kitchen. You can choose between five Evolution models, including Evolution Septic Assist®, designed specifically for homes with septic systems. With an InSinkErator® food waste disposer in your kitchen, chicken bones, fruit rinds, coffee grounds and more can go right in the sink -- where they're virtually liquefied to safely flow into your sewage system or septic tank. You'll enjoy a cleaner food preparation area, and less bagged garbage cluttering your home. What's more, if you've never owned a food waste disposer, you're in for a pleasant surprise. InSinkErator® disposers are economical to operate: in fact, they're among the least expensive installed kitchen appliances.

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Monday 3 October 2011

Six simple SEO techniques to improve your ranking on search engines

!±8± Six simple SEO techniques to improve your ranking on search engines

There are some very simple SEO techniques to help you improve your ranking in search engines. In the normal course of my analysis of competing websites', I find a surprising number who can not use all these techniques, but any help in approaching the sphere No 1 position.

With this in itself can not reach the top spot for the keyword, but definitely help, and there is no factor that will allow you to hit the top. A # 1Location on Google is a combination of many factors, such as internal and external linking strategies, the relevance of content to reach the key and the look and feel of your site. In addition, further described below.

So we left on this entry: These are the nuts and bolts of SEO, and if it is not right, then you are starting with the back foot. These are the basic techniques of SEO that you must have a minimum if you want to improve your ranking in search engines, andAlthough primarily for beginners, many websites that contain each set of these.

I wrote "pages" on purpose, because Google and other major search engines list Web sites, and not entire domains. This means that every page of your site will be optimized the same way: everyone should contain each of the SEO techniques listed below.


The title tag is the 'head' tags of your HTML, before the "BODY tag.It is said that the title page and must contain the main keywords of the page. The contents do not appear in the title tag in the page text: its purpose is to inform search engine spiders, which is the subject of your page, and what words are important (for example your main keyword). For example, the title tag of a page of this article are based "SEO Techniques - Improve your search engine rankings."


The meta description tag is used by Google, andother search engines, listed in the search engine. I used this with them all tested and Google, as it is, while Yahoo uses a part of it. You must include a description of what the webpage is about and show a simple revision of the descriptions on other websites with your keyword in Google how many words you can use to hold the entire description. About 20 words are in order.

Keyword Tags

Search engines rarely use the keyword meta-tags: Google ignores them.But it does not hurt, and can help in a small way. Include your name and your own brand name. In this way, some engines can show your pages when someone searches your name. The other meta-tags have no SEO value, and do not contribute to improve positioning in search engines at all.

H heading tags

Heading tags (H1, H2 ,...) are used by Google to determine the meaning of the text in the news. Use H1 tags for the title of main page (also available in theTitle tag, but that is not seen by readers, only the spiders). Subtitles in H2 tags. You can change the font size of text within those tags.


Text in bold, italic and underlined are seen by search engines with more weight, and then to determine the relevance of your website can be used. Bolden always your songs, and also helps to point out that if you do not make it seem out of place.

Writing style and content

Not for write accessAlgorithms (spiders) to write for the readers. Always write for the people and not go wrong. If the content of the page reads well and has good vocabulary around the theme, then it is a better chance of a list of the highest if you make us full of keywords. I rarely use more than 1.5% - keyword density of the terms "SEO" SEO techniques "and" Search Engine Ranking "(the most important keywords) of this Article shall be 1.5, 0.87 and 0.87 respectively. many keywords as SEO is bad and couldlead to a poor list of the page - if they ever appear.

So there you are: six simple SEO techniques to improve rankings in search engines. It 'amazing how many experienced webmasters, this does not apply: there is no excuse, and not the nuts and bolts are used correctly and get dressed on their websites.

Apply this on every page and not only to improve your SEO, but also the chances of getting a good ranking in search engines. It 'amazing how manyWeb pages are missing these basic SEO techniques.

Six simple SEO techniques to improve your ranking on search engines

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Thursday 29 September 2011

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!±8± Kitchens vintage years 1930, 1940, 1950

1930: The steam-lined depression era "Modern Kitchen"

Since 1930, the cuisine from the kitchen to the old style "Optimized-Modern Kitchen" has been transformed with time-saving features, better organized and better ventilation. The "all-electric kitchen" was promoted in magazines popular with display numerous, newly designed small and large appliances. Housewives mixer, the dream may now consider several appendices designedMix flour, pasta, grate cheese, squeeze lemons, whip potatoes, steak, and cut and cut the vegetables and also sharpen knives. "Depression Green" was used "in" colors on the wooden handles of kitchen utensils, on kitchen cabinets, tables, and housewares. Accessories are often green and cream replaced the black and white look of the last decades.

Other popular color combinations in 1930 were black and red or crimson, blue and green, pearl pink and blue, and the useplaid patterns on textiles. Goods such as kitchen containers, bread boxes are painted rather slowly even with a simple furnishings.

In 1935 the National Bureau of modernization has been founded to promote the modernization of the country. Manufacturers competed developed better tools and equipment for the kitchen. Color began to enter the kitchens of the Thirties and articles in magazines for color schemes, decorating tips and how to integrate in the kitchenRest of the house. The kitchens were not more jobs, but gaining so much attention as the rest of the house. Small and large equipment was available in colors and Sears and Montgomery Ward property features colorful cuisine and "painting" accessories like canister sets, range sets, cake saver, bread boxes and bins.

1940: The Colorful World War was

The Post-War Kitchen of 1940 the family began to meet and now tables and chairs are made of chrome-basedenamel, plastic or linoleum was the maximum, a spacious kitchen, smaller kitchen plus the earlier work centered to replace. Separate formal dining room have been replaced by the kitchen that could accommodate family and guests. The kitchen has always been a very welcoming place and primary colors dominate the interior line. Magazines advertised products for your "Gay Modern Kitchen." Combinations of red, green and yellow or red and black were popular as wellcolored tablecloths, curtains and fabrics. Flowers, fruits and reason for Dutch fashion, and were found on the card shelf, cutting, adhesives and kitchenware. Devices continue to be produced with streamlined designs, rounded corners and small quantities. The combination washer / dishwasher was introduced as the garbage and household freezers.

1950: The Atomic Age was pastel color space

Dramatic changes that take place in the kitchens of the year 1950 as a space age,Design of the atomic age and the materials have emerged. The Fifties kitchen these plastics is that of pastel colors such as turquoise water, pink and yellow (the colors of the cottage), Formica and chrome kitchen table and chair were adjusted Formica kitchen counter and easy to clean with a somewhat 'chaotic. After the war, there was no time for leisure and promotion of tools and accessories for picnics, barbecues, parties and bars.

The introduction of color television in 1950 led to fullColor in the living room of America, where housewives could now see all the exciting products and equipment available. After the Second World War there was a new generation of plastic and time "good life" and fun. Kitchens and houses saw the transition from glass, ceramics and tin products for many types of plastics, live simple random. Melmac melamine and crockery, Tupperware Luster-ware and accessories and storage "thermal wall" picnic were a great success.Vinyl has been used for tablecloths, chair covers and fabric furniture and bark with boomerangs and abstract forms became popular. Tablecloths and tea towels next to colorful fabrics and souvenirs were taken home with the tropical south-west and arguments Mexicana. Poodle, roosters and drawings with cooking utensils, coffee pots and teapots decorated potholders, appliance covers and linens. Devices have been installed and was in the fifties colors such as turquoise, pale yellow, pink andCopper.

Kitchens vintage years 1930, 1940, 1950

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Saturday 24 September 2011

Fixing water leaks in your bathroom

!±8± Fixing water leaks in your bathroom

Provide water in case of necessity is one of the most important features of your home plumbing. The water is so important to the success of our families, in fact, it is difficult if not impossible to imagine a modern operating system at home. Fixing leaks in the bathroom alone can literally save thousands of gallons of water and how water is a scarce commodity with many states imposing restrictions on water, this is important, as quickly as possible to do.

One of my greatest joys in life isStart early Saturday morning, either alone or with a friend, and enjoy a day of fishing. There's nothing like that to clear the mind and refresh the spirit, as you sit amid the peaceful wonder of the natural world. Not that I am a great fisherman, I can not say that I take a lot of fish, and if they do not tend to be particularly large. But the pure joy, apart from the hustle and bustle of the city and relaxing without worrying about anything for a day care, far outwaysno pressure to actually take a fish.

At the end of the day I had to go home, clean and prepare a fish I may have taken, and then make a nice hot bath. And 'the end of a perfect day, relax in hot water, often with eyes closed for half an hour.

Of course this is not a great experience if I can hear the sound of dripping. In this case, I try to ignore it, but then I had to take note, because I know that even if a drop is granted only onceSecondly, I could be wasting about 50 gallons of water per day.

If tap water is the bathroom, then you should take the faucet apart to figure out which part of the tap water is at fault. If you are unsure, it is perfectly acceptable to take the whole mechanism of tap water for the plumbing company and asked them to advise you which part needs to be replaced. On the contrary, must be a leak noise if you sit and let the water drip in the bathroom looking for the bathroom. It 'important that this be done more immediately, theBecause the higher probability of deterioration is wasted.

There is a possibility that you have a leak, the water traveling along the waterline at a certain distance before it begins to get on the ground by the infusion pressure to drop. There is the possibility of dropping the tank near the discharge. In any case, it is best to use only parts and not replace silicon, so that is going on for several more years to stop.

Or could it be that the same bathdeveloped a leak. This is a problem that many people need help. The simplest and cheapest option is often to replace the same tank. However, if you have an old bathtub that popular, perhaps because they have longer and deeper than many modern varieties, then a plumber to be able to advise what the possible solutions and obtain the corresponding costs.

No matter what you decide to do if you have a leak, then get a manufacturer to make sure that not allred or significant damage to your home. This is especially true if the bathroom is located on the ground floor, as might arise have to break the ceiling, or where the damage to your walls. And be sure to remove the water that is located on an area, because they produce a form, which can develop into a serious health hazard.

Fixing water leaks in your bathroom

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Thursday 22 September 2011

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Saturday 17 September 2011

Lessons from the Titanic

!±8± Lessons from the Titanic

The Titanic was one of the greatest maritime disasters of all time and still fascinates today, although almost 100 years have passed since the tragedy. One of the facts about the tragedy that is important to make the number of lives that were lost: more than 1,500 souls perished in the disaster! The story of the Titanic still fascinates us is, as shown by the 1997 movie Titanic. The film was one of the largest budget of a movie right now andSuccess awakened new interest in history. The interest can read the amount of information available on the Internet. There are dozens of messages on YouTube, blogs, tweets, you name it. Then there are books, magazine articles, specials, documentaries and movies, and you can understand why the Titanic story is so well known. I'm going to add to the store to comment on this story with this article. They are particularly in the corporate world of project management and stakeholdersparticular the management of risk, and I think that the story of the Titanic some lessons learned that can improve our performance in the field of risk management offerings.

For those not familiar with the story (there is no one who does not?), Let me wallpaper. It 'important to the story in the context of the time he found the prospect of learning is impossible otherwise. View the events of 2010, a point of view gives us access to information that is not accessat the time, 20/20 hindsight is easy to obtain, but it is very useful to prevent future risk events.

Time is the time of the end of the century - 1900. Travel from Europe to North America is still only accessible by boat and drive back and forth is wide. The rich are to be steam from the sea on holiday in North America, Europe, rich Europeans traveling to America for vacation and hundreds of thousands of Europeans in North America that migrate from the steamer. Competitive business processeswas hard fought for steamships, as it is today for the airlines. The White Star Line and Cunard Line are the two main competitors in the market, both based in England.

The competition for passengers traveled through the prices down so that the number of passengers could wear a ship, and the speed with which they were crossing the two factors are important in a profit for their owners. Crossing speed was a rivalry between the two companies with the prestige of the record for the fastestIntersection is used as a marketing tool. The British government is trying to promote this rivalry with the assignment of the "Blue Ribbon" to the holder of the crossing records. They did it to increase its prestige as a maritime nation.

The Cunard Line, the Blue Band for 22 years. Their ship, the RMS Mauritania, the fastest voyage made in 1907. RMS Mauritania, was not only the fastest passenger ship in the Atlantic flight, was also one of the largest and most luxurious. WhiteStern was on a media desperate to compete with the RMS Mauritania, and claim the Blue Riband for the construction. They came to build the shipyard Harland & Wolff in Belfast, Ireland, the ship could make the same record and luxurious enough to attract the passengers of the richest and most demanding. They also wanted a bowl large enough for many second and third class passengers. These were, in which the gains are due to their numbers. The RMSTitanic was commissioned in 1909 and construction began on March 31 this year.

The White Star Line was not only the fastest ship, the largest and most luxurious on the Atlantic route, it would be safer for them. In fact, they wanted to be able to say, the ship was unsinkable.

Shipbuilding in 1900
The ships were constructed of steel in these days, but steel have been built and the way in which the steel was produced in the hull of a ship were very different. Steel was thena much higher sulfur content, the steel tends to become brittle. This fragility, the temperature drops again and the water temperature in the North Atlantic can be very cold, cold enough to icebergs. Steel plates are welded together in Hulls fashioned now, but in 1900 the technology was available to shipbuilders attractive. Rivets are effective at holding the plates together, but not as strong as welding. This is an important safety factorFactor collisions are much more likely to cause "holes" on the hull.

There were several contributing factors to consider when Harland and Wolff, the Titanic will be designed. Speed ​​was important - speed would improve the business case for the construction of the RMS Titanic (and the two sister ships to follow). The speed is the result of several factors: the length of the hull, the width of the trunk (or bar), the weight of the ship and the power of the engines and propellers. The longer a shipWaterline, the faster you can. A large ship heavy beams will be slower than a smaller, lighter, and engines and propellers are adapted to the hull for maximum speed. Propulsion was coal-fired steam boiler on these ships and large, more powerful engines require more space for the boilers. Not only tank to be larger, more space is needed to save the extra coal required. On ships like the Titanic space is money.

Believe that the White Star Linetheir ship should have sufficient capacity to carry up to 3,500 passengers of all classes. You want to be able to carry 550 first class passengers, 450 second class passengers and 2,500 steerage passengers, but they must be housed in luxury. The White Star Line would like to see passengers are treated to the first class to a level of luxury found in any of the boats competing to enjoy the same conditions as the second class, first class passengers on passenger ships and otherThird-class passengers to enjoy second-class passenger comfort.

The main means of providing luxury accommodation will be space. Each cabin has more space, the total is below the ship's cabins can hold (the space is finite, the length will be 890 meters on all ships). Harland and Wolff must design a ship, luxury and maximize speed while minimizing weight.
Another conflict of White Star and Harland and Wolff contended with the need for space on the ship wasfor lifeboats. The lifeboats and davits, must run to start all over on the ship and take up more space led the lifeboats less room for paying customers.

Security Considerations
The White Star Line was aware of the security. Before the Titanic, security has been given enough to avoid a collision that damaged the hull and cause the safe recovery of ocean-going passengers in lifeboats, in the absence of such a measure. Harland and Wolff came up with a new securityCharacteristics similar to the Titanic safer than their competitors. The first of these features was the introduction of the hull and watertight bulkheads that may be closed by electric motors created. The project was proposed for a total of 16 Scottish, each of which two could be flooded without sinking. The operation of the ports may be controlled manually or automatically by the bridge.

A second was a second inner hull, to protect the ship would be if the outsideHull to be violated. Harland and Wolff to recommend this as a security feature, but the cost for this is considered extremely high, so the competition did not see fit in their projects. A third safety feature was the use of a wireless telegraph, which are used to the climate and the ship could be hazards to navigation advice. This security feature can also be used as an advantage for first class passengers, the ship's radio can transmit messages fromFirst-class passengers to destinations in North America over the White Star Radio used to manage its radio communications. This is another feature of luxury for the promotion with the Titanic and to acquire first-class passengers can be.

The Titanic is the North Atlantic from Southampton, England to New York, traveling the United States. The shortest route via the north, but is susceptible to the North Atlantic icebergs in winter and spring. The alternative routeships will continue south to avoid the icebergs. This approach will avoid the icebergs, but add time to the journey.

Lifeboats are the last resort and will only be used if and when all other measures fail safe. Standards at this time still does not keep pace with technology and ship passenger ships must be maintained and carry 16 lifeboats, regardless of the number of passengers. Lifeboats are not seen as a priority at this point, noting how each would impact on them by societyThe sale of the ship as the safest in existence.

The Disaster
Set the Titanic from Southampton, England April 10, 1912. Departure was delayed by half an hour, when the SS New York was anchored nearby was torn from its moorings by the propeller of the Titanic. He made two stops before their final departure to New York to Cherbourg, France and Queenstown, Ireland, where they picked up more passengers. She left Queenstown in New York with 2,240 passengers and crew members on board in April11 °.

He sailed directly to New York, across the North Atlantic, and made good time until you reach a point about 400 miles south of Grand Banks off the coast of Newfoundland. The Titanic was equipped with a teletype, a relatively recent addition to the ships and had stressed that the icebergs in the vicinity. One of the problems, the crew was standing, the demand for the use of the telegraph ship, the Titanic made note of someinfluential businessmen (and celebrities) in the world so there was a constant demand for sending and receiving telegrams. At some point in the evening, the operator was so frustrated with traffic, an operator on board another ship tried to tell him to warn the iceberg "silenced". Because the priority for sending and receiving telegrams were given to passengers has reached the warnings about icebergs in the area has never been the bridge. The Titanic get their speed of 20 knots(Approximately 22 mph) overnight.

The captain took precautions against a collision with iceberg, has published a clock in the "crows nest", an observation deck above the bridge of the ship. Neither crew was sent to the crow's nest binoculars, which were intended to increase its capacity to detect. Under normal conditions, the clock would any icebergs spotted in time to have to avoid a collision, but that night the search spotted the iceberg, where the Titanic wasvery close. The icebergs found in search for "turtle tactic" that was rotated so that the white snow-covered surface is usually associated with an iceberg replaced with a dark matte surface that does not necessarily have been light. A further contribution to the poor visibility was the fact that there are no waves on the iceberg. This combination of events caused "Iceberg ahead" to search for the bridge to alert the phone when the Titanic had little time to react. AMeasurement of the skipper should not be to slow the ship, the Titanic was 22 knots (about 25.5 mph) that night.

There are conflicting reports about the sequence of events in consecutive seconds. Steering in those days still follow the convention, tiller, when the rudder is shifted to the left, controls the boat to right and vice versa. If an officer wanted to give a command to steer the boat sharply to the left is a "hard a-starboard" would be fine. SomeAccounts of the first officer giving an order for "hard right", he said, the ship left (or port), and that the tax man in a panic and instead drove the ship on the right side. Others have helmsman steering the boat to the left as shown.

Regardless of whether the driver mistakenly drove the ship right, or straight, he first took the wheel around the ship on the left, or switch port. At the same time the task was to change coursewas given to remove the engines to slow the ship. The reversal of the engines will slow down the ship, but also creates turbulence at the helm. Remember that when the Titanic left its dock in London, the turbulence created their props was enough to break with another ship to its mooring. The effect on the Titanic in this case, it would be at the helm are less efficient. A ship is leaving the helm to the flow of water to force it to build, and vice versaEngines that power would be reduced.

If it would be possible for the Titanic to the iceberg to avoid or not we can not know. What we do know is that the rudder is finally "bite" and the ship began to change slowly over the door. The shift was just enough that the Titanic with the iceberg scraped his right side at 23:40 Sunday night, April 14, 1912. The force of the collision was sufficient for a long crack on the side, almost an extended openThird of the length of the ship.

Experts have speculated that if the ship had not tried to change course, who could have survived the impact with the iceberg, because a head-on collision have invaded more than likely not the most experienced. Provides that officers and crew on the bridge to knowledge of an iceberg is not an option, would be a bit 'of counsel, the deer wandering on the road to avoid, rather than another car or off the street. It 'greatCouncil, but a little 'hard to follow, in the heat of the moment. Think about how it would be difficult to control in a particular ship 2,200 passengers and crew members of the iceberg!

The ship began to flood and closing the door to seal the compartments flooded was no help, since these subjects were open to the sea. After that Captain Smith saw the collision, went on deck to take command. He sent the fourth official, and the damage this insightPerson initially reported that there are no serious damage. Shortly after, however, relations began in the bridge, the massive flooding took place and that the ship sank. Smith's first reaction was one of the area a telegram SOS for help. Remember the Titanic in the middle of a field of ice, the other ships were warned to be, he must have known that he would take a long time to get help and someonesteaming to his aid immediately would be a huge danger of a collision with an iceberg.

At 12:30 on Monday, the clock was significantly down on the Titanic bow. Now occupies a different problem. While the Titanic was fitted with watertight doors for holding individuals, were these doors are not sealed at the beginning so if a person has been completely inundated with water would begin to flow in the next over the top of the doors, as water in aIce cube tray, when the inclination.

The official Titanic began the process of getting passengers from the ship now. Even though the Titanic had developed a list, it was not sufficient to give a sense of urgency to communicate to passengers. The officers would find it difficult to fill the lifeboats with the passengers do not want to, but return to their beds, or smoking, or at the gym instead of leaving the ship in a lifeboat. Moderation was so widespread that some of the firstthat less than half. The rescue boats had a capacity for 68 adult men, the boat on the starboard side to begin the first contained only 12 people. The Titanic sank. There were not enough lifeboats for all passengers so that each rescue boat on site, a passenger who was to die without the other host!

At 12:45, the crew fired the first signal flares, the attention of other vessels in the region (some thought they saw the lights of a ship about five miles to winaway). This had the immediate effect of communication is a feeling of necessity to the amount that was missing up to this point.

The Titanic was mixed with various areas for the 1 st, 2 nd set, and 3 with the first class passengers and the second classes that provide access to the deck where the lifeboats were in the beginning. These passengers began to fill the lifeboats now. In general, the policy of "Women and children first" was followed, with some exceptions, but not Class 3 invalidPassengers. 3 class passengers were out of their way to avoid the bridge crew of the boat to the Titanic.

The vessel continued to fill with water rapidly. The bow began to disappear under water as the bow and began its descent toward the rear is brought out of the water when the ship began to assume an upright posture. Complement of more than 2,200 passengers and crew escaped in less than 700 lifeboats. The last of the lifeboatsTitanic pulled off the clock at 2:00. The 1500 passengers, including third-class passengers were, found their way to the tail, tail fan, or wait for their fate. A wave rolled the boat, as it plucked and dropped some of the passengers from the fan tail and drown them. The rest were all in the water by 2:20 that morning, when the Titanic sank. The water in this part of the Atlantic, this time of year would be just above freezing at this temperature and survival onlypossible that a matter of minutes. Those who did not drown on the Titanic died of hypothermia shortly after in the water. No lifeboats to help once again one of these people. Passengers and crew members who had fled to safety in lifeboats later that morning and by the Carpathia in New York City. The tragedy has had more than 1,500 deaths.

The popular notion that the Titanic "unsinkable" was like a red thread through all the facts areCity, April. Sufficiently to take the decision to use the lifeboats to accommodate all passengers and crew to the reluctance of passengers to the lifeboats after the iceberg was struck, the belief that thought the Titanic unsinkable everyone was influenced in some way. Marketing the unsinkable ship was undoubtedly a good sales pitch, but had devastating consequences.

The Titanic actually more lifeboats, which was forced to wear the SeaAuthority. The rules for the number of lifeboats a ship has been forced, had not been updated to take in order to keep pace with the increase in size and capacity of these ships. The result was a feeling that you need to opulence, the existing regulations for its ability to rescue at sea, the desire to reduce costs and the fact that the unsinkable Titanic was convinced his owner to equip with her. She has performed only 20 lifeboats, 14 life boats regularly with a capacity of 65 passengers, two mills with a capacity of emergencyof 40 adults each, and four collapsible lifeboats with a capacity of 47 adults each. These have never been started.

It seems to have numerous errors of communication on board. There were a series of warnings from other ships in the path of the Titanic iceberg. Some of them are taken to the bridge and posted on a bulletin board. The last warning actually provided information on a surface of the iceberg of longitude and latitude determines the Titanic HADactually went into the area around the time of transmission. This last show was never transmitted to the bridge. The telegraph was of messages to and from ship passengers who lost his temper and told the other operator, "Shut Up" overwhelmed. Even if this last message was not communicated to the bridge, the bridge had been aware that the icebergs are in the range of previous messages. Smith was aware of the risk, even withoutFrames, this area of ​​the Atlantic icebergs always this time of year.

The Titanic was traveling at about 25 mph in an area that contained the icebergs, many of which could sink the Titanic. Icebergs in all shapes and sizes, but where there are a number of large, some are always large enough to cause serious damage to the larger ship. This meant that speed was not just enough time, noted by an iceberg, to avoid a collision. The captain is ultimatelyresponsible for the ship under their command, and all passengers and crew members, but Smith could be excused to some extent by the pressure of a fast passage. He was not forced to set a record, but the ice rink when he was stopped or slowed to avoid a collision, it is likely that his body would be longer than the competition.

There were a lifeboat capacity for at least half the people on the Titanic, probably much more, considering the number of women and children andcalm conditions. Less than 700 people actually succeeded in lifeboats and a number of them were men. The policy on the ship and all the other time was that women and children must be rescued before men. This policy was defeated on the Titanic, crew members when the third class passengers, all citizens including women and children of class is always prevented the lifeboats.

The Titanic never had a test drive or lifeboat drills, before embarking on her maiden voyage.This lack of familiarity with the ship was one of the defendants' search for his inability to find the ship's binoculars.

Lessons Learned
Maritime regulations were amended to require a lifeboat space for everyone on board a ship, a lifeboat and exercises regularly to make sure everyone knows its border, of them, and that the team is able to fill the lifeboats Save and run it expected efficiency.

Regulations were amended in order to prioritize emergency calls and then needed an alarm systembe installed, which can be activated automatically by an emergency call. The Titanic sent SOS started as soon as Smith saw it, but nobody answered refused. Most operators in bed, because the now disappeared.
Maritime authorities of ice patrols to gather information on ice in the North Atlantic. Until now, the expedition built for visual observation and warnings from other ships to advise when there is ice in their area. The ice-patrol discoveredIceberg drift and recommended all their tracks shipping of ice.

Water flooded the entire length of the Titanic, because they were not waterproof, watertight doors at the top and let the water overflow into the next space. Titanic's sister ship, the Brittanic (originally known as Giant), was fitted with watertight compartments that improved. It 'was hit by a torpedo in 1915 and sank in 90 minutes, about the time the Titanic sank.

ThisEducation was effective in preventing further incidents of this type, from this cause. It's never been a maritime disaster to this day many people lost their lives.

There may be some lessons for the rest of us are in the Titanic disaster. Let's start with the problem of making the pride of '"unsinkable" Titanic and the desire, the passage to New York to start as soon as possible causes. Marketing and speed of speaking directly with the White Star Line the bottom. There are many organizationsWho are willing to pay in words the safety and corporate social responsibility, are those able to demonstrate success are those that invest their money where their mouths. A company, group or individual who deals with these issues will be seriously willing to provide the money to fix them. The money was to be a good investment long term, because the prevention of disasters like the Titanic are extremely expensive, as people are to BP in the Gulf ofMexico.

Fortunately, the level of class distinction, which was approved in 1912 is today, but has not disappeared entirely. Air carriers still offer the option of business class or first class passengers. What he found on board the ill-fated Titanic, the Class 3 had no chance of rescue, thanks to the team that took it upon himself to keep them in front of the boat deck so that the first and second class passengers have access the lifeboats.

Communication is not the Titanicin several specific ways, the most frightening is the lack of a response to his SOS. The 2-way communication to be successful. We need to have an attentive audience, and then verify that they have heard / read / seen to understand the message. In the case of SOS signals from the tragedy brought a change in the way messages are priorities and had a 24-hour clock for emergency signals. The relative newness of the telegraph was a decisive factor for the lack of communication.Always remember that the promise of a new technology can never take for granted is not held until proven, and users of technology have been fully developed.

The crew of the Titanic was a fine line between communicating the urgency of the situation for passengers to go without panic. Who did not. He was able to communicate the danger to passengers and the result was that many deaths could be saved by a lifeboat.

The contingency plan thatany vessel that uses the human helps, is the rescue boat. The Titanic is not adequate for the number of lifeboats on board wear, but the team also did not bring all the benefits of the spots on the lifeboats. This act was in part due to a failure of the passenger section and partly due to lack of familiarity with the management of the lifeboat crew. Decommissioning strategies and plans must always be tested first to check as far as possible, their effectiveness and become familiarthe team with them. When the time comes that an emergency plan must be implemented, the implementation is smooth and there will be no surprises after deployment.

To learn the final lesson is that no ship, aircraft, vehicle, company or system that is unsinkable. Thinking in this way inhibits our ability to identify and mitigate risks. We should never make assumptions about a strong advertising campaign (or our confidence in our own work), which is based to prevent us from identifying potential risk events.Remember that no matter how unlikely the risk event that could affect, so that the cost of a mitigation strategy is the only sane decision.

Lessons from the Titanic

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